Easy Way to Quit Drinking Allen Carr

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Nov 09, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Knew I had quit the days before picking it up, now I am an ex-alcoholic. Freedom at last.
Derek Smith
I first came across this book on Amazon when I was looking for books to assist a relative to give up alcohol. It had rave reviews. And few detractors. Well I am afraid I am one. The book is very repetitious and rambling. It has shouting words and phrases in capital letters which made me feel he was bonking me on the head with a mallet. And so preachy a style; everyone it seems is wrong except the author. Quite a few times Allen Carr says you don't need willpower to give up alcohol - but never de I first came across this book on Amazon when I was looking for books to assist a relative to give up alcohol. It had rave reviews. And few detractors. Well I am afraid I am one. The book is very repetitious and rambling. It has shouting words and phrases in capital letters which made me feel he was bonking me on the head with a mallet. And so preachy a style; everyone it seems is wrong except the author. Quite a few times Allen Carr says you don't need willpower to give up alcohol - but never defines willpower, in which case how can he be wrong? But if willpower means a day by day determination how can he be right?

I tried to find the coherent argument as I was reading but couldn't connect. In the end the message seem to be that to give up alcohol you must read the book, not feel guilty and stop drinking. Do you need to read 200 pages to learn that? I am currently, maybe 4/5ths, through, Tania Glyde's Cleaning Up - and that is so much better. But then she's a writer.

Austin  Hill
Sep 29, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I haven't drank in over two and a half. Didn't have a major negative event but just came across it on amazon one day. I've never done AA, or anything like it besides reading this book. It is an objective look at alcohol that has stuck with me. Worth a read to anyone on the fence, or that has woken up hungover a few too many times. I've never regretted not drinking.
Mattheus Guttenberg
Allen Carr's Easyway is a fundamentally different approach to recovery than conventional substance recovery programs. As opposed to most other methods, Carr's program works without the use of willpower (hence, Easyway). Developed in his first book, Easy Way to Stop Smoking, Carr's approach helps people quit their addictions by getting them to challenge their assumptions of benefit. The method is simple: realize the ugly truth about the nature of your problem and deliberately undo your conditioni Allen Carr's Easyway is a fundamentally different approach to recovery than conventional substance recovery programs. As opposed to most other methods, Carr's program works without the use of willpower (hence, Easyway). Developed in his first book, Easy Way to Stop Smoking, Carr's approach helps people quit their addictions by getting them to challenge their assumptions of benefit. The method is simple: realize the ugly truth about the nature of your problem and deliberately undo your conditioning toward it. This approach works by changing one's desire, not by changing one's behavior toward the desire. As one learns more about their addiction, their internal cost-benefit equation regarding it changes. When what was once seen as fun and pleasure is now seen as dangerous and toxic, avoiding the behavior is effortless. In contrast to willpower techniques (various types of forced abstention techniques), which logically and inevitably entail an internal, psychological conflict between "I want" and "I shouldn't," Easyway doesn't involve any conflict at all. It is a method of destroying the basis for "I want" so that all that remains is a sober view of the object of the addiction and "I shouldn't" wins by default. His approach isn't unlike some types of CBT.

Quit Drinking Without Willpower is a book using Easyway to help people eliminate the desire to drink alcohol. Overall, Carr's claim is certainly true. Most drinkers ("normal" and otherwise) are not aware that they are addicts to a drug that will harm their health, spend their money, ruin their relationships, corrupt their happiness, impair their judgment, and impede their progress; being unaware of their own addiction, and the subsequent rationalizations an addicted mind makes, they believe alcohol is genuinely a good thing, that it adds substantial value to their lives, that it improves their sociability, that life would be much poorer without it, etc. However, if they reeducate themselves and reinterpret their "fun habit" as something vicious, then they begin to see the so-called poison as real poison, and they can escape the alcohol trap easily and become a happy nondrinker (just as we are all presumably happy nondrinkers of arsenic).

Beyond the value of Easyway as a whole (which deserves 5 stars) and its application to alcohol addiction, I found Quit Drinking to be a little too dogmatic. Carr's assertions that the only benefit from alcohol is that it satisfies a prior craving for alcohol (created by the unease of detoxing the previous drink), that any benefit to alcohol is merely perceived and not real (because the terrifying prospect of chemical addiction forces one to rationalize their enjoyment of alcohol), and that all of alcohol's "virtues" are false is too strong a claim to make. Alcohol has many terrible effects, but it does have a few true non-circular benefits. For example, alcohol is known to temporarily reduce self-consciousness and social anxiety. Carr himself admits alcohol is useful as an antiseptic and anesthetic. These facts undermine Carr's message in Quit Drinking - which sometimes can take an aggressive tone - but not the Easyway method. I am not sure I will become a lifelong nondrinker, but reading Quit Drinking destroyed almost all of alcohol's appeal to me.

Related: Annie Grace's "This Naked Mind" is a personal retelling of Quit Drinking, but more plausible, more entertaining, and with updated scientific information.

Brendan Egan
Yeah, I drink too much and read self-help books. Don't judge me. Yeah, I drink too much and read self-help books. Don't judge me. ...more
Aug 09, 2020 rated it really liked it
Yes fellow goodreads people, I was a heavy drinker. Surprisingly helpful. I'll be sure to see if this works.
Dec 22, 2020 rated it it was amazing
It is almost too easy. The late Allen Carr was a master of using logic to help smokers, overeaters, and drinkers look objectively at their vices and see a clear, simple way out.

I was brought to this book by a mention in Holly Whitaker's Quit Like A Woman, and she was right-- in a couple days my relationship to alcohol has turned around. Painlessly. I bought a copy so I can refer back to it if my motivation every gets low again.

If you're struggling with alcohol -- whether you think you're an add

It is almost too easy. The late Allen Carr was a master of using logic to help smokers, overeaters, and drinkers look objectively at their vices and see a clear, simple way out.

I was brought to this book by a mention in Holly Whitaker's Quit Like A Woman, and she was right-- in a couple days my relationship to alcohol has turned around. Painlessly. I bought a copy so I can refer back to it if my motivation every gets low again.

If you're struggling with alcohol -- whether you think you're an addict or not -- read this book. It changed my life & it made the change easy -- not hard.

2. Yep, I read it twice. I need repetition.

1. This book was referenced in Holly Whitaker's Quit like a Woman so I picked it up. Carr's fundamentally different approach to quitting alcohol is sublime and liberating. Of course, it's repetitive and pragmatic. Carr's method aims to undo years of brainwashing and has proven to be very successful.

You don't have to want to quit to read this book, and you have everything to gain from reading it. Take what works for you and use it to your advantage, wh

2. Yep, I read it twice. I need repetition.

1. This book was referenced in Holly Whitaker's Quit like a Woman so I picked it up. Carr's fundamentally different approach to quitting alcohol is sublime and liberating. Of course, it's repetitive and pragmatic. Carr's method aims to undo years of brainwashing and has proven to be very successful.

You don't have to want to quit to read this book, and you have everything to gain from reading it. Take what works for you and use it to your advantage, whenever you need it.

Undeniably, alcohol is an insidious drug, an adroit killer.

Fani *loves angst*
Once the drinker recognizes that his drinking is causing him a problem, he has not one new problem but two. When he is drinking he feels guilty and miserable, and when he is not drinking he feels deprived and miserable. I call this the "critical point" because at the same time he is drinking too much, he can't get enough to drink.<<..>>
Just as the more the fly struggles the more trapped it becomes, so the more the alcoholic tries to exercise control the more precious the pleasure and crutch appe
Once the drinker recognizes that his drinking is causing him a problem, he has not one new problem but two. When he is drinking he feels guilty and miserable, and when he is not drinking he feels deprived and miserable. I call this the "critical point" because at the same time he is drinking too much, he can't get enough to drink.<<..>>
Just as the more the fly struggles the more trapped it becomes, so the more the alcoholic tries to exercise control the more precious the pleasure and crutch appear to him, so the more dependent he feels. In order to control his intake, he has to exercise willpower and discipline. No matter how strong-willed he is, eventually he finds himself drinking more than he did before he decided to cut down. After several failed attempts to cut down, the alcoholic comes to the conclusion that the only solution is to quit completely.
Normally inhibited people don't become more interesting when they are inebriated; on the contrary they become overemotional, repetitive, incoherent, and boring. It wouldn't be so bad if the inhibited person felt better for it, but they don't; they are in a stupor and you cannot appreciate a situation unless you have your senses to appreciate it with.
- I disagree with that I'm afraid. I have a close acquaintance in fact, with whom we used to get along with just fine, until she gave up drinking completely after her pregnancy 8 years ago. Well, suffice it to say, both me and my husband, as well as her bridesmaid, happen to agree that she was much more interesting before she stopped drinking, as she's lost all her fun and became very uptight and boring since then.
I'm having issues with his reasoning unfortunately :( He's comparing sober people, to people completely drunk, those who have no recollection the next day what they said or did instead of merely inebriated. Thus, his arguments are not convincing me at all, as he's referring 99% of the time to people who drink themselves into a stupor almost daily, not people who overindulge, which is what I'm interested at. Disappointing in general, even if there were a few good points in the beginning.
Jul 15, 2014 rated it really liked it
A lot more compelling than I expected. It was obvious from the start that I wasn't the target audience, so I can't say how well the method works for someone trying to quit alcohol (at times I didn't feel like I would have been convinced), but the Amazon testimonials had me intrigued.

Carr's writing style is very didactic, but his method is straightforward and he seems to me to take a much more reasonable approach to addiction and substance abuse than most. Though I don't know much about AA, it h

A lot more compelling than I expected. It was obvious from the start that I wasn't the target audience, so I can't say how well the method works for someone trying to quit alcohol (at times I didn't feel like I would have been convinced), but the Amazon testimonials had me intrigued.

Carr's writing style is very didactic, but his method is straightforward and he seems to me to take a much more reasonable approach to addiction and substance abuse than most. Though I don't know much about AA, it has completely changed the lives of some of my friends, so I don't want to belittle that. But I loved that Carr's method is empowering and gives the choice back to the individual. Like the title implies, he doesn't make it any harder than it has to be.

Carr may seem patronizing and dismissive at first glance, but he's personally experienced years of alcohol and nicotine addiction, and helped countless others to overcome it. He's not naive in his perspective. This book has made me rethink the way I view both addictive and social behaviors and even some of my own habits.

Jun 19, 2013 rated it liked it
Well, we will see, I suppose.

Years ago, I read the Easy Way to Stop Smoking and, magically, it worked. Immediately and absolutely. Haven't had a cigarette since.

So I figured... Why not?

It took me a lot longer to read this one as I didn't really want to finish it - guess I thought on some level that it was working.

The problem is, I just didn't find it as convincing as the smoking book. Maybe that problem is me as, apparently, I am a very different drinker than Mr. Carr was.

Still, there were defin

Well, we will see, I suppose.

Years ago, I read the Easy Way to Stop Smoking and, magically, it worked. Immediately and absolutely. Haven't had a cigarette since.

So I figured... Why not?

It took me a lot longer to read this one as I didn't really want to finish it - guess I thought on some level that it was working.

The problem is, I just didn't find it as convincing as the smoking book. Maybe that problem is me as, apparently, I am a very different drinker than Mr. Carr was.

Still, there were definitely things that made me think about alcohol and alcoholism in a very different light.

Giving it three stars for now. Will reevaluate in a few months.

Apr 07, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Love these books. Read Carr's "Quit Smoking" as well.

These books break down addiction based on the brainwashing aspects behind them. It's a look at how you undergo drug addiction, booze or nicotine or whatever, based on bullshit. In under 300 pages he breaks all that garbage up, and showcases how underneath all of them lie the same two things: a lie, and plain drug addiction.

Phenomenal books, highly recommended.

Love these books. Read Carr's "Quit Smoking" as well.

These books break down addiction based on the brainwashing aspects behind them. It's a look at how you undergo drug addiction, booze or nicotine or whatever, based on bullshit. In under 300 pages he breaks all that garbage up, and showcases how underneath all of them lie the same two things: a lie, and plain drug addiction.

Phenomenal books, highly recommended.

Dec 31, 2016 rated it it was ok
Repetitive, basic, and not written very well. Probably won't help someone in need but who knows, his book on smoking is pretty highly regarded and this is essentially the same thing, only for drinking. It's heart is in the right place, but it's a pass. Repetitive, basic, and not written very well. Probably won't help someone in need but who knows, his book on smoking is pretty highly regarded and this is essentially the same thing, only for drinking. It's heart is in the right place, but it's a pass. ...more
Ray Moss
Very motivating. Yet I couldn't grasp the actual Easyway steps which are described in the book? Or do I have to attend to Allen Carr's Easyway centers in order to learn that?

Nonetheless, this book is a great starting point for those wishing to achieve alcohol free lives.

Very motivating. Yet I couldn't grasp the actual Easyway steps which are described in the book? Or do I have to attend to Allen Carr's Easyway centers in order to learn that?

Nonetheless, this book is a great starting point for those wishing to achieve alcohol free lives.

Natalie Shiel
Jan 03, 2022 rated it really liked it
Just finished this and feeling positive that it has worked for me. It gets repetitive but that is the point as the message needs to be drummed in but this can make it a struggle to get through the middle. I'm also any ex smoker and Carr relates back to quitting smoking regularly which resonates with me but not sure how that the comparison would land with someone who has never smoked.

All in all happy with the book, very interesting and I'm away to enjoy my life now.

Just finished this and feeling positive that it has worked for me. It gets repetitive but that is the point as the message needs to be drummed in but this can make it a struggle to get through the middle. I'm also any ex smoker and Carr relates back to quitting smoking regularly which resonates with me but not sure how that the comparison would land with someone who has never smoked.

All in all happy with the book, very interesting and I'm away to enjoy my life now.

C.E. Case
Jan 29, 2013 rated it it was amazing
I am very impressed with the easyway method. It has been very helpful to me this year when I made a resolution to quit drinking and smoking. I would suggest the most important thing is to have an open mind when reading this book. If you truly want to improve your life and health follow the instructions and it will be easy.
Nancy Dardarian
I started reading this book after I had already stopped drinking, having decided to take a break for a month. Now, after reading it I'm not sure I'll start back up again. The book was a bit of an odd read but it makes a lot of sense and sure helped me cement my position... he also wrote a stop smoking book that gets excellent reviews. I started reading this book after I had already stopped drinking, having decided to take a break for a month. Now, after reading it I'm not sure I'll start back up again. The book was a bit of an odd read but it makes a lot of sense and sure helped me cement my position... he also wrote a stop smoking book that gets excellent reviews. ...more
Michael Castile
I found this book a drag. Too long and drawn out. Not clear, nor concise. I could only manage to read the first few pages, before I felt like having a drink out of frustration. It was like wading through a very dense forest, and not getting anywhere.
Their are many other books, on this subject, that are way more helpful.
May 29, 2016 rated it really liked it
The content was excellent but sometimes the writing style bugged me. The questions, the all caps, etc. could get to be a bit much. That being said, loads of really good, thought-provoking information. And a whole new perspective on drinking & how/why to stop.
Jul 28, 2020 rated it it was amazing
Makes complete sense. Sure, the writing style is a little wonky and not for everyone but the meat is divine gold. Brilliant. I was already mostly there but this beautiful tome locked it in. Devastation - VOID. Brainwashing - VOID. Definitely easy.
Chuck Denison
Jun 23, 2010 rated it it was amazing
This is the best book I have ever read on drinking. Do not let the name make you think it is not an important book. It is a life changer.
Dan Lurie
Dec 14, 2015 rated it really liked it
Could definitely have been half the length and equally persuasive. Glad I read it. We'll see if it works for me. Could definitely have been half the length and equally persuasive. Glad I read it. We'll see if it works for me. ...more
Allen Carr is the best in the business. This is the ultimate guide for those looking to cut down their drinking.
Oct 06, 2019 rated it it was amazing
This book is not particularly well written, but I did not read it for its literary prose. However, it is extraordinarily helpful.
Read this book, stopped drinking.
Allen Carr was an author of books about quitting smoking and other psychological dependencies including alcohol addiction. He quit smoking after 33 years as a hundred-a-day chain smoker.

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